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Customer Acquisition Systems:
Websites aren't a total thing of the past, however, they certainly aren't the answer to getting the most out of your advertising dollars in 2019. If your online roadmap to acquire new customers for your business looks like the example below, you're likely spending a lot more money than you have to be to generate qualified leads and sales for your business.  
What MOST businesses online acquisition system looks like.
  • Expensive 
  • Low Conversion 
  • ​"Hope Marketing"
In most cases. fewer than 2% of visitors (become a lead) on their first visit. This is where having an automated sales funnel can make the difference between success and failure.  

The combination of highly optimized, purposeful landing pages, automated emails, SMS messages, and retargeting ads help you keep your business in front of interested prospects long enough to convert them into customers. All too often companies actually have great offline sales processes, but that same process gets thrown out the window online. 

 It's kind of like we forget we are still dealing with other humans. We still need to respect and model how relationships develop and come to be offline in person. All of these additional steps help move the relationship along a more natural progression like we do offline.

 Building trust and credibility for your brand and business along the way all of which are necessary to convert cold traffic into buyers. 

It shouldn't come as any surprise to entrepreneurs that the fortune is in the follow up. Email marketing is still an effective marketing tool that we use to segment your customers and prospects, create powerful automated campaigns that progress the prospect forward based on what stage they're in. 

We will learn about the customer journey for your business and create a customized strategy and blueprint like the one below. 
Example of a Well Thought Out Customer Acquisition System
  • Efficient: It's efficient because you get the opportunity to zero in on every variable that customer will experience throughout the entire customer journey from the second they engage with your business.
  • Automated Follow up: People need to reminders. 80% of sales don't even take place until there has been over 5 contacts. Does your system even put you in the arena to get most deals? 
  •  Retargeting Systems: Most people don't convert on their first visit and need to be followed up. Retargeting is a highly under-utilized strategy. 
3-Step Customer Acquisition Blueprint
  • Increase ROI simply using assets you already have
  • Simplify your customer acquisition process
  • Get a let up on the competition
3-Step Customer Acquisition Blueprint
  • Increase ROI simply using assets you already have
  • Simplify your customer acquisition process
  • Get a let up on the competition
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